Deal Closing Posts

Are you Expanding? The Best Kept Secret in Retail

Retailsphere’s™ on-demand research team returns actionable expansion data in an average of 24 hours Retailsphere’s™ research team, aka the best kept secret in retail, gets right to business when reaching out to site selectors, tenant reps, brokers, and landlords, amongst others. And in most cases, the team is on a first name basis with the […]

It's Not that the Big Eat the Small, but the Fast Eat the Slow

How Antonio Ruano trains Retailsphere clients to crush previous year deal flow and income Customer Success Manager Antonio Ruano knows training, SaaS Onboarding, Implementation, and Training. He also focuses on “Change Management and Customer Experience.” And he’s really, really, great at it. “We are going to take you on a journey of how a user […]

Does your marketing team have to approve your bulk emails?

Step to cadences and see open rates sore into double digits while avoiding the marketing team altogether! In the ever-evolving landscape of commercial real estate, reaching the right contacts efficiently is paramount. RetailSphere™ is a game-changer, offering compelling reasons, accuracy and speed, to bypass your internal marketing team on bulk emailing and embrace cutting-edge cadences. […]

Don’t be afraid of the right CRM

Move more deals along your pipeline with Retailsphere’s Pipeline CRM™ “We have new clients already closing 4 deals using our Pipeline CRM,” said RetailSphere's Client Success Manager Antonio Ruano. How do you start your workday? Is it coffee and internet searching, checking messages and eventually making calls and shooting off emails to prospects? You aren’t […]
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