Coronavirus Posts

Retail-to-Industrial Conversions Find Traction Amid Pandemic

Retail industry experts have promulgated the idea that the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns simply sped up the inevitable demise of shopping centers, malls and retailers that for years had struggled to survive. It also could be said that the health crisis has accelerated another trend that was gaining momentum: establishing last-mile e-commerce logistics hubs at […]

How COVID-19 has changed Nordstrom’s Store Revamp Plans

Nordstrom is certainly not the only department store that has taken a hit from COVID-19, but their reputation as having highly experiential retail and in-depth customer service and engagement mean it can be harder to open during a highly contagious pandemic.Nordstrom had already announced it would permanently close 16 of its department stores in response […]

4 Retailers Exceeding Expectations during Covid-19

The early days of the pandemic provided some brands enormous success, especially if they still had toilet paper to sell. Other brands during lock down suffered tremendously. As COVID raged through our nation, a few brands unexpectedly did better than anticipated. In this battle to keep alive, these businesses, with a mixture of preparedness and […]

How Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) are Winning during Covid-19

As the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic continues, customers continue to be wary of large group gatherings, and many are facing economic hardships. But eating out, or at the very least take out, seems somewhat pandemic proof. In their recent report, McKinsey ran down the current reality of the restaurant business. The verdict? Easy take-out […]

Walgreens and Publix make the best tenants during the Covid-19 Pandemic

In our recent survey of shopping center managers across the country, we asked them which retailers had been most difficult to deal with during the Covid-19 pandemic. Unsurprisingly, 28% of the respondents told us a restaurant had been their most difficult tenant. In the same survey, we also asked which tenants had been the best […]

Evicting a No Lease Tenant

Great news. A big national-credit retailer wants a shopping-center space that's currently occupied by struggling mom-and-pop tenants who are barely hanging on in a lease-less, or "at will" basis. The timing seems right to issue these month-to-month occupants their proverbial walking papers and quickly shoo them off the premises to free up the square footage. […]

Retailsphere Surveys Shopping Center Owners, Reveals the Worst Retail Tenants during Covid-19

Retailsphere interviewed dozens of shopping center owners and leasing managers nationwide to gain insights into the best, and more interesting, worst tenants during the Coronavirus pandemic. Of those interviewed, 28% noted a restaurant as their most difficult tenant over the past few months. While the list of difficult restaurants included national brands like Denny’s and […]

Food hall Flexibility: A promising response to the pandemic

COVID-19 has brought into question how big a role food-and-beverage tenants will continue to play in the long-term vision of using socially oriented, experiential concepts to revive retail real estate.   The restaurant industry, like many other parts of the economy, enjoyed robust growth until the pandemic struck. Late last year, the National Restaurant Association projected […]

When Tenants Won’t Help Themselves during the Covid-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent widespread orders to close theaters, retailers and restaurants – or severely restrict their operations – are forcing landlords and tenants to the negotiating table to figure out a way to survive. In many cases, the parties are striking agreements that generally provide a period of rent reduction and then spread […]
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