When you sign up with Retailsphere, you are getting access to a robust retailer tenant database that is constantly updated by our world-class research team. You also get direct access to these researchers as each subscription comes with custom monthly research requests. We’ve previously taken a look at why you should want a research team, […]

RetailSphere has thousands of expanding retailers and the contacts for reaching out Each day, RetailSphere’s on-demand research team speaks to hundreds of site selectors about their expansion plans and demographics. Here are five we talked to this week about their specific plans. Sally Beauty Supply LLC - Sally informed our researchers they are open to […]

You’ve bought a new retail contact list hoping it will include a few critical brands. You finally get a chance to comb through it and you’re missing several of the contacts you needed most, plus the ones that are present seem to be old. Sound familiar?Knowing you have up-to-date and correct information is important when […]

Covid-19 has created vacancies across the US as many large brands have gone bankrupt and started closing locations. This can be an opportunity to bring in new tenants who are growing by successfully drawing in audiences with experiences online shopping can‚Äôt replace. As states start to allow retail outlets to open, customers are eager to […]

Commercial real estate is no stranger to retailer databases. They are a must have when trying to broker new tenants. Traditionally, accessing these databases will provide you with lists of nationwide chains and well-known franchises that includes contact information for key decision makers.Dig a little deeper, and you often find information pulled from public reports […]

While canvassing has always been an integral part of the commercial real estate prospecting process, COVID really has changed everything, including how many people start their research. With various shutdowns as a result of the pandemic, your days in the office limited and in-person canvassing has become more difficult. If this sounds like you, it […]

There’s something that a lot of commercial real estate professionals need to hear: using Excel to manage your deal flow is costing you money. We know old habits die hard, but it’s time to modernize your pipeline management. You’re missing out on opportunities and falling behind your competition if you continue to use outdated tools. […]

With retail sales and foot traffic both trending upward, 2022 is on track to be a comeback year for retail real estate. Shopping center owners, investors, and brokers will be well poised to capitalize on the industry’s expansion by embracing modern property management. This year, retailers will open more stores than they close for the […]

As the retail industry paves new paths to growth, data-fueled business intelligence can help tenants and shopping center owners alike make smarter decisions. To unlock the insights you need, it’s helpful to understand the value of big data for real estate brokers, tenants, landlords, and investors. What is big data, and how can you use […]

When you have an empty storefront to fill, every day of vacancy costs you money. It also hurts your other tenants who would benefit from steady customer traffic to neighboring retailers. Removing bottlenecks from your leasing pipeline can help you fill the space more quickly and maintain your center’s profitability, and in retail leasing, “Speed […]