Deal Closing Posts

Retailsphere’s latest Expanding Retailers

RetailSphere has thousands of expanding retailers and the contacts for reaching out Each day, RetailSphere’s on-demand research team speaks to hundreds of site selectors about their expansion plans and demographics. Here are five of the many retailers we talked to this week about their specific plans: Reach out to RetailSphere™ to see everything the platform can […]

Retailsphere’s Latest Expanding Retailers

RetailSphere has thousands of expanding retailers and the contacts for reaching out Each day, RetailSphere’s on-demand research team speaks to hundreds of site selectors about their expansion plans and demographics. Here are five of the many retailers we talked to this week about their specific plans: Reach out to RetailSphere™ to see everything the platform can […]

Get the Deal Done with a Retailsphere Research Request

You’ve found the perfect tenant for your shopping center and are eager to start a conversation with their team. Now begins the tough part of the process - researching their brand and hunting down a contact that can actually make the decision to open a new location.Unless you are a Retailsphere member. If you are, […]

Retailsphere’s Latest Expanding Retailers

RetailSphere has thousands of expanding retailers and the contacts for reaching out Each day, RetailSphere’s on-demand research team speaks to hundreds of site selectors about their expansion plans and demographics. Here are five we talked to this week about their specific plans. Reach out to RetailSphere™ to see everything the platform can do. About Retailsphere Founded […]

Using Retailsphere for leverage in lease negotiations

Tenants are playing rent hardball with retail center owners like never before, asking for reductions, deferrals, abatements and other concessions. Many requests are legitimate, given COVID-19 hardships, but some seem to be out-and-out shakedowns, particularly those emanating from national tenants owned by private-equity (PE) funds.Consider this hypothetical case: "U.S. Oil Change," a fictional category leader […]

Retailsphere’s Latest Expanding Retailers

RetailSphere has thousands of expanding retailers and the contacts for reaching out Each day, RetailSphere’s on-demand research team speaks to hundreds of site selectors about their expansion plans and demographics. Here are five we talked to this week about their specific plans. Reach out to RetailSphere™ to see everything the platform can do. About Retailsphere Founded […]

Its time to ditch excel for modern pipeline management

There’s something that a lot of commercial real estate professionals need to hear: using Excel to manage your deal flow is costing you money. We know old habits die hard, but it’s time to modernize your pipeline management. You’re missing out on opportunities and falling behind your competition if you continue to use outdated tools. […]

Close more deals with a Kanban view

The process of lead nurturing can be one of the most rewarding aspects of any sales job, but especially in commercial real estate. By the time you have a signed lease in hand, You've had to search for prospects, built relationships, negotiation lease terms, execute a letter of intent, all before a signature is on […]

Top Tips: How to Overcome Leasing Pipeline Bottlenecks

When you have an empty storefront to fill, every day of vacancy costs you money. It also hurts your other tenants who would benefit from steady customer traffic to neighboring retailers. Removing bottlenecks from your leasing pipeline can help you fill the space more quickly and maintain your center’s profitability, and in retail leasing, “Speed […]

Peterson Company's Mark Kufka is amazed at the RetailSphere platform's evolution in such a short amount of time

"I cannot compliment you enough on how far the product has come since Kenny Brown first introduced – then eventually sold us – on the RetailSphere tool.  Your team has truly put in some great work to expand the product and make it that much more valuable.  It was a good tool when we originally […]
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