Bankruptcy Posts

3 Retail Segments to Avoid

Last year's forecasts and trend reports proved no one had a crystal ball. COVID-19 knocked the wind out of plenty of healthy establishments who had big plans for the new year. While savvy business decisions and creative work-arounds have proven enough to save many brick-and-mortar businesses, some brands haven’t been so lucky.  Store closures abound, and […]

The Retail Void: Creative Ways to Fill Empty Spaces

Brick and mortar retail was already in a delicate balance in years past trying to tip the scales in their favor versus online retail. Required store closures in early spring as a result of a deadly virus blasted physical retail’s hope to restore fortune in its favor. To combat the brick and mortar crisis, retailers […]

Retailsphere’s latest Expanding Retailers

RetailSphere has thousands of expanding retailers and the contacts for reaching out Each day, RetailSphere’s on-demand research team speaks to hundreds of site selectors about their expansion plans and demographics. Here are five of the many retailers we talked to this week about their specific plans: Reach out to RetailSphere™ to see everything the platform can […]

Earth Fare Prepping to Reopen at Least 7 Stores by Summer

After filing for bankruptcy and closing all 50 stores in February, the health food store Earth Fare is planning a comeback.In early February, the specialty organic grocery store Earth Fare filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Within two months, the chain closed all 50 branches, laid off 3,000 staff members, sold 10 locations to larger […]

My Anchor Tenant Just Filed for Bankruptcy. What Now?

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to stretch on, and states are only slowly reopening, there has been a slew of large retailers to file for bankruptcy including J. Crew, Pier 1, Tuesday Morning and JC Penny - all of whom have large national footprints. Many shopping center owners and managers are wondering what they should […]

When Tenants Won’t Help Themselves during the Covid-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent widespread orders to close theaters, retailers and restaurants – or severely restrict their operations – are forcing landlords and tenants to the negotiating table to figure out a way to survive. In many cases, the parties are striking agreements that generally provide a period of rent reduction and then spread […]

Replacing JCPenney: How To Use Retailsphere To Fill Large Vacancies

It’s no secret that JCPenney has been struggling for years, and now the global pandemic has led to bankruptcy and the shuttering of over 100 stores across the country. If JCPenney was one of your anchor tenants, the thought of filling such a large space right now could lead to panic.  Large-scale brands such as […]

What Do Bankruptcy and Closures Really Mean For the Future of Retail?

The term “Retail Apocalypse” is trending. When you’re looking to fill vacancies, other words like “mass closures” or “bankruptcy” could also elicit an immediate “No thanks!” about certain brands. You may already be facing challenges to your business, and it makes sense that you wouldn’t want to take on a struggling tenant.  But the truth […]

Evicting a Tenant with a Lease

It has always been crucial for commercial landlords to have thriving tenants instead of fighting battles with difficult tenants on the brink of eviction. This need has often become clearer as the Covid-19 pandemic continues, often highlighting more troublesome tenants. Formally evicting a tenant may seem like a painful process, but it can be more […]
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