
Use Retailsphere to Order a Pizza Joint for Your Center

Do you wish finding your new perfect tenant was almost as simple as ordering pizza? The process should be streamlined, have a variety, and deliver the results you’ve been craving. Retailsphere has a vast database with various options to narrow your search to exactly what you are looking for. 

In the Covid era, many restaurants have closed permanently. Out of necessity, consumers are seeking easy take out and delivery options, and pizza just so happens to be the ideal answer. As many restaurants have had to smooth out the wrinkles of this new age of dining off premise, pizza has been put in a box for decades, ahead of the game and already the answer to all restaurants' new problem. Particularly as the coronavirus sent shock waves around the nation, pizza sales soared. Other reasons for pizza’s success would be it’s an affordable meal for a family. It’s comfort food (and don’t we all need a little extra comfort in a very uncomfortable year?). Pizza, delivered or carried out in a box, is a slice of normalcy in an uncertain time. 

Now that we’ve determined a pizza place is the optimal solution to your vacancy, let’s walk through Retailsphere’s database platform to preview the ease of discovering a suitable pizza place for your space. 

First, login and begin on the Retailsphere homepage. 

Click on the tab “Retailers'', just below the Retailsphere logo on the top banner and select the subcategory of "Food." 

As you can see, the results for “Food Retailers” is 103,601. 

We need to look specifically for a pizza place.  One way to find that would be to select “pizza” in the left filters bar. 

On the side panel, there are options to narrow the search. If I chose “Local and Regional Retail” and the approximate square footage, my search results narrow down to 21 results. 

Even further, the database can narrow down the search to only expanding retailers. The research team at Retailsphere does all the tedious and lengthy work to find the specific information needed from retail owners, real estate directors, and other senior decision makers to keep information up to date and relevant. Retailers marked with “Expanding” have been verified from our research team as retailers actively looking to open more doors. 

Another way to order up results for finding a pizza tenant would be the Advanced Search option (located to the right of the search bar). 

Let’s continue with our search for a prime pizza place. You probably know a lot of the national and franchise pizza chains, and want to discover a local pizza place that would bring local flavor to your center. I removed the “National Brands'' and “Franchisors” in order to locate only local and regional options. Then I used the drop down menu to choose the category “Food” and the subcategory “Pizza”.

This search gave me 7590 results, however if we start looking for a place specific to your geography, then you'll have a few great options to fill a vacancy. With that said, It’s your turn to walk through and get the answers and search catered to what you need. Schedule a demo today for your personalized walk through and take your first step to ordering your next prosperous tenant. 

June 9, 2021
Barton Strawn

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