Syncing CRM Contacts

How to sync your contacts so they stay up to date and mirror the Retailsphere database.

By enabling Retailsphere Sync, your contacts will automatically update anytime we receive new information. We do not sync your personal data, notes or files. You can enable syncing in a few ways:

  1. Bulk syncing - access this option from the top of the Contacts CRM page. It is located to the left of the “Import button” and is display as “# of # synced”. Clicking this will walk you through the process of checking your contacts to see any matches to our database.
    • If you have contacts that are not currently eligible for syncing syncing and would like them to, you can select the check box for “Submit these for review by our researchers.” Our researchers will verify the contact information for you and enable syncing for any contact that matches entities in our database.
  2. Sync a single contact - Open a contact profile and click edit. If syncing is not enabled, click the toggle to enable to see if there is a match in our database. If there is no match, you have the option of enabling the sync and submitting the contact to our research team. We will populate the contact with any information we obtain.

Information we sync:

  • Name
  • Job title
  • Company
  • Site selector (yes/no)
  • Location
  • Work Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Work Email
  • Personal Email
  • Social Media (linkedin, instagram, Facebook, twitter, YouTube)
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