Managing Deals in the CRM

The Deal Pipeline helps you manage your relationship with the tenant.

The deal pipeline helps you visualize and prioritize deals at various stages in your process. Add lease information and your point of contact to deal cards so you have everything you need to turn prospects into clients.

Each card in the pipeline represents a unique deal. At minimum, to create a deal you only need to select a retailer, assign a deal owner, and select a stage (you can also optionally assign it to a space).

Deal cards can be dragged and dropped into different stages. This helps you to visualize all your deals and how much progress is being made. (An admin on your team can customize the stages to what works best for your team).

When clicking a deal card a window opens on the right providing additional information about the deal. Only the deal owner can add/edit deal information. Any teammate, however, can leave notes in the record for the deal owner to see.

Searching deals

The search bar will be located on the right side of the activity. You can search by:

  • Retailer name
  • teammate name
  • space name
  • shopping location name

Teammates Filter

The teammates filter tab will be located to the right of the search bar. It lets you see only deals owned by the teammates you select.

Exporting deals

Clicking export will generate a .csv with tabs for each stage

Each tab will have the following columns:

  • Space name
  • Location name
  • Retailer
  • Category
  • Website
  • Contact name (First Last)
  • Contact title
  • Contact email address
  • Contact phone number
  • Expanding (Yes, No, N/A)
  • Link to retailer Retailsphere profile

Adding a Deal

At the bottom of each stage column is an “Add a deal” link. Clicking this will allow you to create a new deal to be added to that stage.

  • Begin by searching and selecting a retailer from the “Add a retailer” field. This will search any retailer within the Retailsphere database.
  • Next, you can optionally select one or more spaces to relate the deal to. Use the “Owned by” dropdown on the right to filter to display only spaces owned by you.
  • Assign the deal to yourself or someone else from the “Assign to” selector.
  • Optionally add a quick note relating to the deal so it’s easy to remember why it was created. You can view this note in the activity of the deal.

Deal Records

Deal records allow you to track key information relating to your deal. Additional information can be added using notes. The following fields can be tracked in deal records:

1. Deal stage - How far the deal is in your pipeline

2. Space - Select from any space within your CRM

3. Point of Contact - You can select from contacts within your CRM and any contact that relates to the retailer entity

4. Lease start date - When you would like the retailer to move-in

5. Lease term - Specify a number of years and months

6. Lease rate - Add in your rate per square foot per year. The year total will automatically calculate after submitting.

7. Commission - Add in a commission to calculate your take.

8. Lease types:

- Gross Lease

- Modified Gross Lease

- Triple Net Lease

- Double Net Lease

- Net Lease

- Absolute Lease

- Percentage Lease

- Single Net Lease

9. Tenant Improvement - This is a dollar amount per sqft

10. Deal owner - User can change the deal owner to any teammate.

Marking a deal as lost

Marking a deal as lost means the deal will not be moving forward and can be removed from the pipeline. Click the "Mark deal as lost" link to write a note and confirm to end the deal. The note you write will be added to that deals activity tab.

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