Inside Look at an Account Profile Through Virtual Canvassing

When you use Retailsphere to canvas virtually, it is as simple as finding your target shopping centers and clicking through to each of the retailers’ detailed Account Profiles. 

You can get all of the information you would normally spend hours searching for in just minutes. Make the decision to reach out to those potential clients, with real data backing your decision.

Agents and Brokers are used to canvassing in person to grow their leads, but now you can sit behind a desk and deliver the same type of results. Retailsphere’s platform lets you canvas virtually, covering more ground than you ever thought possible, all from your office and getting an Account Profile view from your desk.

Once you see how quick and easy it can be to use Retailsphere to canvas virtually, it may become your go-to strategy, proving even more effective than in person meetings. Let’s take a look at how you use our tools to canvas.

Once you’ve entered the Retailsphere portal, navigate to the "locations" section. You can search by region, city, or a specific shopping centers by name. 

Here, you will find an extensive list of shopping centers, each with a profile that includes: general center information, ownership information, contacts, key demand drivers, and most importantly, tenant information. Simply select the shopping center you would like to canvas to head to that profile.

Our team uses a combination of web crawlers, direct data sources, and a research team to search for and confirm the data you see.

Once you select a location, select “tenants” from the navigation and go “door-to-door” virtually, reviewing the retailers in that center.

By selecting a retailer within the center, Retailsphere gives you an in depth retailer profile that includes verified contact information.

When you use Retailsphere to canvas virtually, it is as simple as finding your target shopping centers and clicking through to each of the retailers’ detailed profiles. You can get all of the information you would normally spend hours searching for in just minutes. Make the decision to reach out to those potential clients, with real data backing your decision.

Building new leads with Retailsphere can help identify and talk to potential new clients about their CRE needs after conducting extensive research on the Account Profile(s) with a couple clicks of the mouse.

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