How to Use Retailsphere's CRM Retailer Tab

In this article, we show how to use the Retailer tab in the CRM and the best practices that make the process seamless.

Within the CRM, on the left pane you can see the “Retailer” tab. 

Once opened, the retailer screen defaults to “Displaying All Retailers,” but it can be sorted two ways: “Owned by Me” or “Expanding.” If it’s owned by me, the list will include your spaces. But if you choose “expanding” the list shows all the Retailers currently expanding. And on the far right search you can further filter by name, stage or space. 

It's important because by using the retailer tab you can establish relationships with retailers that sometimes aren't the best fits for the vacancies you currently have. But if you're also a developer, you can keep an eye on prospects as they break new ground.

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