How to Search

Retailsphere can help you search the area around you for competition but also find a tenant that fits your marketplace and vacant space. In the article below we walk through a “search” (key fields, general info, etc.), review of the results and how to modify search results.

Here’s how:

First, log-in to Retailsphere’s retail tenant database. Under the search bar, choose “Franchisors,” “Multi Unit Groups,” or “National Brands” for popular brand results or  “Individual Units” for example local grocery stores.

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In the field marked “Category” choose “Food.” You must refine the search by choosing “Grocery” as your subcategory. Under “Select Unit Square Foot,” choose the square footage range that matches your occupancy. If you’re in a food desert, your search results may be very limited if you search by location. Leaving these fields open can help you find retailers that may be interested in expanding into your marketplace. Press search to see your results, or save the search for future reference.

Retailsphere has information on brands of all sizes, from bulk warehouse stores like BJ’s down to pocket-sized chains like Aldi. Use the options on the left side bar to define your search further, or click an option for a list of direct contacts, square footage requirements, and more. You can click “Add Retailer” to create a list to reference later. 

In addition to basic information, you can easily find more about a grocery chain's expansion plans, including their preferred demographics. You can also find detailed results like the money and time spent in the store by their average customer, which will assist in finding the right brands for your space. 

Checking the map shows you all the locations for a specific grocery chain. You can zoom into your area to find out which options are present, or even discover if your vacancies happen to be inside a food desert. 

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