How our On-demand Research team works

A Peek into the Inner Workings of the RetailSphere™ Research Team

The RetailSphere™ research team operates on a multifaceted approach, blending cutting-edge marketing automation with the human element to delve deep into the intricacies of the retail commercial real estate landscape to get expansion plans and contact information for our clients.

Their goal: To uncover hidden opportunities for clients by finding contact information and reaching out to clients over the phone, via email, marketing automation and more social connections that anyone in the industry to provide clients with the knowledge needed to stay ahead of the curve.

After receiving a research request from a RetailSphere™ client, the on-demand research team immediately hits the phones and works to get the appropriate site selector for the multi-unit group, franchisor, or national brand contact(s). We say contact(s) because in many cases there are multiple contacts that handle expansion and development responsibilities for the retailer.

In some cases, a quick line to the appropriate contact isn’t readily available, and that’s where the team goes to work adding contacts via the website, social media and other RetailSphere™ databases to essentially scrub the internet for information.

Then, using RetailSphere’s™ marketing automation technology, cadences, the team reaches out with a series of crafted emails designed to state the goal, reason for reaching out, and how getting back to the team is a great marketing opportunity for the specific retailer as well.

In the interim, the team spends the time updating the retailer’s profile within RetailSphere™ with the best social, office, cell phone and work history data they can uncover.

But even as all the data is set, verified, and researched, the team will continue to reach out via phone, email, and socials to get the expansion plans verified by the retailer.

The bonus for RetailSphere™ clients, the on-demand research team has built relationships through continued conversations over time with retailers, brokers, tenant reps and shopping center owners, who trust the team and know us by name. But more on that in our next piece.

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