Glossary of Terms

Here is a glossary of terms that are commonly used on the Retailsphere platform.

Activity – an activity is a record of any change to data in the CRM made by you or someone on your team. This includes notes, stage changes, calendar events and more.

Calendar – the calendar in the CRM helps you manage your day and relate events or meetings to retailers and your spaces.

Category – in our search, retailers can be filtered by retail categories. The category is the main market the retailer (National Brand, Franchisor and Multi-unit Group) falls under. Example Auto, Food or Fitness.

Entity Type (LLC, Inc, Pvt Limited, Corp, Limited Partnership, Sole Proprietorship) – refers to the type of business arrangement.

Franchisors - The company that allows an individual (known as the franchisee) to run a location of their business. The franchisor owns the overarching company, trademarks, and products, but gives the right to the franchisee to run the franchise location, in return for an agreed-upon fee. 

Geo based – centralized search of a prospect in a geographic area.

Growth Status – A search filter based on a retailers growth (Start-up, Emerging, Established, Iconic)

Units – a space that can be occupied by a retailer.

Locations – refers to a destination comprising of retail units. A shopping center is an example of a Location.

Multi-Unit Groups - A multi-unit group retailer is one in which a retailer owns more than one unit of the same name

CRM – Customer relationship management. From the CRM you can collaborate with your team to manage your relationships using Retailsphere data and your own data.

National Brands - a company, whose product with a particular brand name that is available all over the country, rather than just in one area.

RE Companies - a company that buys, sells, and rents properties.

Research Request – a research request is a request for more information sent to our researchers. A research request can be made on anything in the CRM, including National Brands, Franchisors, Multi-unit Groups and RE Companies.

Stage – the stage refers to the steps you specify for your spaces and retail prospects that help you track progress from start to finish. For a retailer this might be from prospect to tenant. Stages can be edited from your account settings.

Subcategory – in our search is a more specific description of the category. Example for “Food” as the category, then American, Asian, Bagel, Bakery, would be the subcategory. 

Tenant Type (Credit tenant, Neighborhood Centered Retail, Experiential Retail, Internet Proof Business, Big Box Retail)

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