Filtering your CRM contacts

How to quickly find the contacts you're looking for by using filters

Search field

Use the search field located above the contacts table to quickly find contacts in your CRM. Use this search field to search by:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Company
  • Email address

Filter by activity

Use this filter to find contacts based on CRM interactions (such as adding notes or scheduling events). This is especially useful for if you’re only interested in seeing contacts you recently interacted with. You can also use this filter to display contacts you have not interacted with, helping you to keep up with people you haven’t reached out to in a while.

Filter by date added

Use this filter to display only contacts added to the CRM within a specific time period. If you have previously imported contacts from a spreadsheet, you can quickly access only contacts from that sheet from this dropdown.

Site Selector filter

Use this toggle to see only contacts that have been marked as a “Site Selector”. Contacts can be marked as site selectors by clicking “Edit” within a contact profile.

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