Best Practices: How to Add an Owner

How to Navigate My Spaces as an Account Owner

 Account Ownership within the Retailsphere platform can be extremely valuable for keeping track of listings, checking your research requests and even setting reminder and appointments. And the best part is we add you to the system and all of your listings before you even have to move a muscle. 

So, you’ve had your demo with our sales team and decided you want to come on board, you have a login assigned to you and your listings are already in your My Spaces. 

As an owner, you and your colleagues can have separate space for your respective listings that you alone can manage, update and requests that you alone can have filled by our on demand research team. 

What’s the advantage of being an owner on the Retailsphere platform? Being able to see your listings, make changes to the listing, add more locations, change the stage of a listing, are among the activities you would use the Retailsphere platform on daily basis. 

Navigate to the My Space button (top right). 

When you open your My Spaces page you see a variety of options to navigate around as an owner.  Spaces is your jumping off point where you can click a space, update the stage, update square footage of an open unit, remind yourself how many retailers are currently occupying space, as well as a reminder of the last activity on that space.

The more update your spaces are the better 

You can navigate to the Retailers tab (above My Spaces) and look around for potential tenants to fill your locations. It’s here where you can check on research request or get profile information on another retailer. 

For more information on ways to best utilize the Retailsphere platform, navigate to How to Search, Manage Spaces, Manage Locations, and much more.  But the two most important spots to start your day are the Retailsphere landing page where you can search for retailers, or head over to your My Spaces page to update your listings or research. 

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