Adding contacts to your CRM

Add contacts one at time, in bulk by uploading a spreadsheet or from profiles you see on Retailsphere.

There are three ways contacts can currently be added to your CRM:

  1. Adding contacts one at a time
  2. Import your contacts using a spreadsheet
  3. Adding contacts from entity (retailer, company, shopping location) profiles

Adding contacts one at a time

At the top right of the Contacts page, click the button “Add a contact”. This form requires a few basics to get the contact profile started, but we recommend filling out as much as you can. After completing the form and clicking “Add contact”, you will see the contact will be added to your contacts.

Import your contacts using a spreadsheet

Access our importing feature by clicking the “Import” button at the top of the Contacts page. On the next page you will see a place to upload a spreadsheet (We support Excel files and .CSV files.). To remove conflicts, we highly recommend downloading this template and adding your contact information in the matching columns. First Name, Last Name, and Email Address is required.

Step 1: Import your file

Once your spreadsheet is ready, click and drag the file to the upload box or click the box to browse your computers file system. If your file is supported, a button to continue will be shown at the bottom of the page.

Step 2: Match columns

If you did not use our template, the next step allows you to assign your spreadsheet columns with fields that we provide in the CRM. Columns that do not match our fields will not be imported.

Step 3: Resolve conflicts

In this step, we display all the contacts listed in your spreadsheet to review. To make sure the import runs smoothly, we check for any duplicates and conflicts. Conflicts you may encounter:

  • First name is required
  • Last name is required
  • Email address is required
  • Duplicate: The email address already exists in your CRM. Duplicates will not import.
  • Invalid Site Selector response (Options are Yes or No only)
  • Invalid Phone number (Make sure formatting is correct. We only support US based phone numbers currently.)
  • Invalid email address (Most often the domain may not be formatted correctly)

At the bottom of the table, you can see a count of contacts that will successfully import and the number of contacts that will not import resulting from conflicts not being corrected. Click “Finish Importing” to complete the import process.

Adding contacts from entity (retailer, company, shopping location) profiles

Within a profile, scroll to the “Contacts” module. When hovering over a contact, you will see options to:

  • Add to Contact (CRM) - Clicking this will add the contact to your Contacts section in the CRM.
  • Schedule Event - By scheduling an event, the contact will be added to your CRM.
  • More - Download contact card
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