
What is a CRM and is Retailsphere a CRM?


CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. CRMs can be extremely complex. But they don't have to be. Thier primary purposes are to: 1. Simplify note taking on all interactions with a prospect or client. 2. Automate follow up tasks to ensure things don't slip through the cracks and 3. Allow you to easily move deals through a pipeline that you can easily see, share and create reports about. 

Most importantly, CRMs can allow you to greatly increase your deal flow. Without CRM few human beings can successfully track more than 20-40 deals at a time. With CRM this can, shockingly, be increased by a magnitude of TEN! That is correct. Most users of CRM are tracking 300-500 deals at any one time. This is true across multiple industries and millions of users.

If the CRM is simple and intuitive, it should act as virtual assistant. Automatically reminding you to follow up w/ prospects. Flagging stalled deals and automating reports to clients or senior folks/management.

All CRM's, including RetailSphere's Pipeline CRM, can do much more. But they don't really need to. To be successful a CRM really only need to do the three things listed above.

The RetailSphere Pipeline CRM is a fully functional CRM. It is included in the platform for free! We did this to ensure our clients can get the most value from our Marketing Automation tools and our massive Retail Industry contact database.

With the power of RetailSphere, you will generate more deals and you will be more likely to have them close with less effort.


Gary Stevens

A retail real estate professional since 1986, having held leadership positions as both landlord and tenant for such companies as Samuels & Associates, Staples, Inc., Lifetime Fitness, Sears Holdings, Ahold Real Estate and RPT [NYSE].

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